Top 10k strings from Maze Chase (1983)(Hewson Consultants)[a2].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   1 maze chaseJ
   1 `7_7`7_7_7_
   1 1         
   1 "maze chase"
   1 "Loading Maze Chase":
   1  SCORE : 0000005     LIVES : 3  *   HIGHEST SCORE : 00003885   *       TOP SCORE ACHIEVED                   GAME OVER                   NEW HIGHEST SCORE       ________________________________                                ******************************** What would you like to do now ?{P} Play 'Maze Chase'           {D} Run the demonstration       {I} Read the instructions       {R} Reset the best score to zero Please press corresponding key           ' P D I R '                  by John Hardman                  ' Maze Chase '          w`W`
   1  Please press corresponding key           ' P D I R '            John Hardman proudly presents           ' PUCKMAN '            
   1  INSTRUCTIONS                   ==============                                                   The object of this game is to  steer a little man around a mazeeating any food that is in his  way .                                                            The food is of three types ;                                     energy pills ( 5 points each )                                  lemons ( 100 points )                                           strawberries ( 100 points )                                       PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE    However , the four guardians ofthe maze will chase you , and   try to eat you .                                                 Fortunately there are usually  strawberries in the maze - not  normal strawberries , but a new MAGICAL variety !!!                                              If you eat one of these , the  guardians turn purple .                                          Whilst the guardians are purplethey can not eat you , but you  can eat them !!               
   1  - the strawberries            
   1  - the power pills             
   1  - the little man              
   1  - the lemons                
   1  - the guardians